Saturday, May 10, 2014

Update for the people asking

I swear this year is just flying by were already in May now i guess that's what happens when your having fun ;). Well lately has just been the usual training and
seeing more parts of Europe.

 Ive also just got back to Australia . Ill be back for a couple weeks due to  finalizing my Belgium visa. It really has been a hassle for me and my team director with back in forth talks with the Belgium embassy in Brussels but keeping it simple they are making me  apply from my home country which has meant a lot of flying and money :(.
Welcome back family time holding my Nephew Vance
So now i will spend the next weeks doing some good base training back in Aus (went for my first ride this morning its really nice again to be able to go out for a ride without thinking of what layers i need to put on due to the cold) Then will be heading back to Belgium around June time to finish the season off and hopefully get some good results in the big tours coming up

Anyway here is a few photos from the past weeks
The Famous Roubaix cobblestone in front of the velodrome which is the finish line for the famous race of  Paris -Roubaix  
Riding around in Berlin
Cold day in Koblenz, Germany
Good way to train at the Italian Expo

In the beautiful town of Colmar in France, and trying to fit some stretching in

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